The Web was created to share human knowledge and assured its place as medium by the fact that, like no other before, allowed everyone to contribute with their own voices and allowed for interconnectivity.
It is true, most of us love to communicate with one another...
But, at this moment, we need new knowledge so we can understand where are the resources to help us to deal with current challenges and ease our living in the planet.
We tend to search for patterns in History so we can understand our present. What we should be doing as well is to search for ways of breaking patterns and introduce our future as something that can be ultimately different from the way we've been living so far. We keep trying to find a balance in our current system of living, when this balance is basing itself on an unbalanced model to begin with.
We were born into an energy that did not allow Self Worth, and we spend our lives building intricate webs of dependence on ideas, concepts, people and things and getting disappointed when they don't meet our expectations. Fear of not surviving on the individual level, because of lack of resources, has led to imbalances that need to be addressed in order to create another kind of reality.
We keep searching for the answers to who are we, where do we come from, our purpose and the meaning of our presence on Earth. The answers lie around us, it is us who still don't have enough understanding to seize them.
A sense of separation and perceiving ourselves as individuals separate from the whole, contributes to a model of society that has very little awareness of the interconnectedness of beings and actions and the fact that what affects one of us, affects all of us.
It is exactly in our differences, in the unique voice of each one's experiences, knowledge and creativity, like colored stitches in one same tapestry, that lies the power to make us understand these questions and how can we move from the point we are at and guarantee the endurance of our species in a peaceful existence as much as the survival of Earth.
The Web has the potential to change the way humans relate and communicate with one another and teach us how to improve. Its power resides, not in trying to find homogeneity but in the interconnectedness of our differences, in the fact that each human is unique and shares its own unique perception of reality and, in finding a language that seeks balance somewhere between trivia over-sharing, special effects, content embellishment, profit purposes, too much useless information, privacy, security, identity issues and Internet censorship.
If, we can understand that it is possible to share towards a common purpose, it will help us understand who we are, how powerful we are, and how to produce this new knowledge to improve our futures.
When we, as a group decide that we want to apply our wisdom and solutions for human benefit and not for profit, then we will all have enough of whatever thing we need, and no need to compete out of fear of scarcity of what is available. This will remove the pressure from our lives, and allow for more "being", which will then naturally yield us to want to create better solutions. We will be able to share ideas and inventions, with no need to hide it or patent it.
And, it is exactly when we share our solutions, for the benefit of all, that we begin to realize our true potential.
This is the moment to step back, regain some clarity about who we truly are and what we are able to do and, create a healthy and balanced world. A reality where we will use our collective consciousness, technology, ingenuity, creativity and solutions for what we are supposed to use them for: to give humans everything they need so we can just "Be".
The future is Our choice.