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{ Rainbow . ribbonS }

Pixel Art Weaving


"(...) Dividing reality up into parts and then naming those parts is always arbitrary,
a product of convention, because subatomic particles, and everything else in the universe, are no more separate from one another than different patterns in an ornate carpet.(...)

Bohm cautions that this does not mean the universe is a giant undifferentiated mass. Things can be part of the undivided whole and still posess their own unique qualities.(...)

Michael Talbot, in "The Holographic Universe"

In March, 2009 a thought emerged in my mind in the form of a sentence:

We are all like colored stitches in one same tapestry.

One year later it had evolved to become this article with a similar name.

A while ago, while reading Michael Talbot's book, on The Undivided Wholeness of All Things ( pp.48-49 ),
from where the citation above was taken, I realized someone else had used, much before I did, a similar metaphor for what I was beginning to understand.

I completed these ten artworks in March 2011 and described it as Pixel Art Weaving: my technological cross stitching, crochet and lace.

Thus, this project is made of insights collected for about two years in the form of Art and Words.
I decided to assemble everything in a web page as, for me, it made sense.

Once I read that a message is like a ticket that says there's a train coming. A quantum mind celebrates this ticket and waits for synchronicity so it can recognize when the train comes.

Some projects take years to come full circle so as we finally realize, not what we are trying to say but, what they are trying to make us understand.

That is the beauty of this journey.

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RenderMeInCobalt © Visual Poetry 2011